Uporaba TAB pod DOSom

Zlatko Rek Zlatko.Rek na nsc.ijs.si
Pet Mar 14 06:52:51 CET 1997

> > shellov (Kaksen je sploh strokovni termin za to zadevo?)
> > Navadno prevajamo kot ukazna lupina.
> To mi je popolnoma jasno.
> Mislil sem strokovni termin za to, kar pocne tipka TAB.
Iz man bash:

      complete (TAB)
           Attempt to perform completion on the text before point.  Bash
           attempts completion treating the text as a variable (if the text
           begins with $), username (if the text begins with ~), hostname
           (if the text begins with @), or command (including aliases and
           functions) in turn.  If none of these produces a match, filename
           completion is attempted.


Dr. Zlatko Rek                      |         Phone:+386 61 177 3746
Jozef Stefan Institute              |               +386 61 177 3900 
National Supercomputing Centre      |         Fax:  +386 61 219 385 
Jamova 39, P.O.BOX 300              |         E-mail:zlatko.rek na nsc.ijs.si 
SI-1001 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA         |         http://www2.ijs.si/~rek/

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