[ LUGOS ] Wallpapers and color schemes (fwd)

Blaz Podrzaj blayo na mailhost.net
Pon Jun 23 13:15:56 CEST 1997


Evo, samo kot zanimivost vam sem forwardiram en msg iz sorodne mailing
liste. Pa povejte, ce ni to res :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 09:25:14 +0200
>From: Kalle Dalheimer <kalle na dalheimer.hh.eunet.de>
>To: kde na kde.org
>Subject: Wallpapers and color schemes
>Resent-Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 09:23:48 +0200
>Resent-From: kde na fiwi02.wiwi.uni-tuebingen.de
>here's an opportunity for people who want to contribute to KDE but
>cannot code: IMHO we need more wallpapers and nice color
>schemes. kdisplay is such a great tool, but there should be more to
>choose from. I never want to hear someone saying: Well Linux/KDE is
>great, but I use Windows, you have got much more wallpapers to choose
>from there :-)
-------- End forwarded message --------


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