[LUGOS] omejitev kolicine izhodnih mailov pri postfixu in SSH + kljuc + geslo

iztok fubar666 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 13:05:09 CEST 2009


> Quoting Jure PeÄ ar <pegasus at nerv.eu.org>:
>> Glej slow transport, ki ga imaš kot primer v master.cf. Nastavi transport
>> map za problematiÄ no domeno na slow:example.com, pa bo.
> To sem naredil in pomoje dela, ampak se vedno prehitro. Nastavil sem:
> slow_destination_recipient_limit = 20
> slow_destination_concurrency_limit = 1
> sicer posilja enega za drugim, ampak se vedno prehitro. Opcij, ki vsebujejo
> _rate_ za smtp ne najdem, da bi jih uporabil za slow transport. Ali lahko
> nastavim se kaksno drugo omejitev?. Kot sem ze rekel, najraje bi videl, da bi
> lahko dolocil stevilo mailov na casovno enoto.

Mogoče ti pomaga tole:

default_destination_rate_delay (default: 0s)

    The default amount of delay that is inserted between individual
deliveries to the same destination; with per-destination recipient
limit > 1, a destination is a domain, otherwise it is a recipient.

    To enable the delay, specify a non-zero time value (an integral
value plus an optional one-letter suffix that specifies the time

    Time units: s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w
(weeks). The default time unit is s (seconds).

    NOTE: the delay is enforced by the queue manager. The delay timer
state does not survive "postfix reload" or "postfix stop".

    Use transport_destination_rate_delay to specify a
transport-specific override, where transport is the master.cf name of
the message delivery transport.

    This feature is available in Postfix 2.5 and later.


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