[LUGOS] omejitev kolicine izhodnih mailov pri postfixu in SSH + kljuc + geslo

Bostjan Mercun bostjan at niansis.com
Wed Jun 17 23:31:50 CEST 2009


iztok wrote:
> Mogoče ti pomaga tole:
> default_destination_rate_delay (default: 0s)
>     The default amount of delay that is inserted between individual
> deliveries to the same destination; with per-destination recipient
> limit > 1, a destination is a domain, otherwise it is a recipient.
>     To enable the delay, specify a non-zero time value (an integral
> value plus an optional one-letter suffix that specifies the time
> unit).
>     Time units: s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w
> (weeks). The default time unit is s (seconds).
>     NOTE: the delay is enforced by the queue manager. The delay timer
> state does not survive "postfix reload" or "postfix stop".
>     Use transport_destination_rate_delay to specify a
> transport-specific override, where transport is the master.cf name of
> the message delivery transport.
>     This feature is available in Postfix 2.5 and later.

To razlozi, zakaj nimam te opcije. Imam postfix 2.3.
Pomoje bom kar upgradal in poizkusil se tole. Hvala za informacijo.



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