[LUGOS] dual uplink & routing

Primož Gabrijelčič primoz at gabrijelcic.org
Sun Jun 5 21:26:05 CEST 2005

> Se vedno pa me zanimajo predlogi, kako bi dolocene masine 
> routal ven vedno po istem linku. Nekaksna staticna routa v 
> kombinaciji z NATom? Je to sploh doable?

Hja, če NATaš na OpebBSD/FreeBSD s pf-jem, potem imaš dve možnosti:

           The bitmask option applies the network portion of the redirection
           address to the address to be modified (source with nat,
           with rdr).

           The source-hash option uses a hash of the source address to
           mine the redirection address, ensuring that the redirection
           is always the same for a given source.  An optional key can be
           specified after this keyword either in hex or as a string; by de-
           fault pfctl(8) randomly generates a key for source-hash every
           the ruleset is reloaded.

Kako je s tem na Linuxu, pa žal ne vem.


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