slemo slemo01 at siol.net
Sat Feb 19 17:59:24 CET 2005

A ve kdo zakaj se mi bi Redhat kar naenkrat podrl. Do zdaj mi je normalno 

Ko ga zaženem mi napiše tole napako -

Checking root filesystem
WARNING - couldn't open/etc/fstab:input/output error
The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 
filesystem. If the device is valid and it realy contains an ext2 filesystem 
( and not swap or ufs something else) then the superblock: e2fsck -b8193 
<device> , fsck.ext2: Is a directory while trying to open/ [SPODLETELO] , 
*** An error occured during the file system check.  *** Padli boste v ukazno 
lupino;sistem se bo znova zagnal ko zapustite lupino.
Give root password for maintenance /or type Contor -D to continue):

//ko vpišem root pasword me vrže na - (Repair filesystem) 1#

// A obstaja kakšna komanda da popravim sistem? 

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