[LUGOS] Kateri "locale" pridejo prav?
Žiga Böhm
Ziga.Boehm at Vseved.net
Fri Aug 13 13:44:41 CEST 2004
samo za referenco - tole je pobrano iz ene starejsih distribucij suse in velja
(predvidoma z izjemo ROOT_USES_LANG) tudi za vse ostale. "C" pomeni default.
# ROOT_USES_LANG defines if the superuser "root" should use
# the locale settings which are defined here.
#export ROOT_USES_LANG="no"
# Local users will get LANG as their default language,
# i.e. the environment variable $LANG . $LANG is the default
# of all $LC_*-variables, as long as $LC_ALL is not set, which
# overrules all $LC_-variables. If empty, $LANGUAGE will be used.
# Note (from/for SuSE): superuser "root" uses this variable
# only if ROOT_USES_LANG is set to "yes".
export LANG="sl_SI"
export LANGUAGE="slovenian" # also "slovene"
# LC_ALL variable will overrule all LC-variables!
# Note (from/for SuSE): ROOT_USES_LANG has to be set to "yes" in order
# to get any effect for the superuser "root".
#export LC_ALL="sl_SI"
# LC_MESSAGES defines the locale in which messages of programs and
# libraries with i18n-support should appear if a translated
# message catalog for the library or the program is installed.
# It also defines yes/no answers which are defined by the locale.
#export LC_MESSAGES="en_US"
# LC_CTYPE defines the locale for character handling and classification.
# The locale defined here is used by the libc in functions which
# are used to qualify if this character is an charcater which may
# be used in an text string, if the character is e.g. lowercase
# and it defnes upper/lowercase-mapping of foreign characters.
#export LC_CTYPE="sl_SI"
# LC_COLLATE defines the locale for sorting strings and characters.
# The locale defined here is used by the libc in functions which
# are used to qualify if a character is befor or beyond an other
# character in the alphabet. Note: sort(1) doesn't use these
# functions, but other application such as databases may use it.
#export LC_COLLATE="sl_SI"
# LC_TIME defines the locale for date and time output formats.
# i.e.: 06/09/1999 vs. 09.06.1999
#export LC_TIME="C"
# LC_NUMERIC defines the locale for formatting and reading numbers.
# i.e.: 1,234.56 vs. 1.234,56
#export LC_NUMERIC="C"
# LC_MONETARY defines the locale for formatting and reading money values.
#export LC_MONETARY="C"
Dne petek 13. avgusta 2004 12:57 je Gregor GORJANC napisal(a):
| Ravno nekaj takšnega sem želel slišati. Hvala!
| Metod Kozelj wrote:
| > Howdy!
| >
| > Gregor GORJANC wrote:
| >> Vprašanje pa je kaj res hočem? Predvidevam, da rabim/potrebujem SLO
| >> zadeve.
| >> Kaj pa je z ostalimi? OK, veliko večino ne rabim, a v čem se recimo
| >> razlikujejo angleški (glej spodaj). Razlika med iso in utf mi je jasna.
| >
| > Prvi dve črki sta koda jezika (en torej angleščina), potem pa imaš dve
| > črki, ki označujeta državo. Tako prideš recimo do angleške angleščine in
| > ameriške angleščine (ali pa portugalske portugalščine in brazilske
| > portugalščine). Najpomembneje je pri črkovalnikih, lahko pa tudi pri
| > zapisu časa (12 vs. 24 urni zapis) in podobno.
| >
| > Po moje sta pri nas zanimivi varianti
| >
| > en_GB
| > en_US
| >
| > Prvo uporabiš, če res hočeš angleščino, drugo pa če želiš biti jezikovno
| > komaptibilen z default okni.
| >
| > Varianta ISO-8859-15 je v bistvu ISO-8859-1, le da ima v fontih dodan
| > znak za euro.
| >
| > Moje nastavitve za locale so torej:
| >
| > LANG=en_GB.iso885915
| > LC_CTYPE=sl_SI
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