[LUGOS] mgetty + callback

Ales Kosir ales.kosir at telemach.net
Tue Jan 8 20:27:03 CET 2002

Dne  Mon, 7 Jan 2002 08:15:24 +0100 (CET)
je Rok Krulec <Rok.Krulec at fpp.edu> zapisal:
> P.S.: S0 register more bit =0, saj se mgetty odzove na podlagi RING

Po mojih virih:

S0 auto answer ring number
Register S0 determined the number of rings before the modem answers the
call. The default is 0; that is, the modem will not auto-answer the calls.
If S0 is set to 2, the modem will answer calls after the second ring.

S1 ring count
Register S1 increases by one each time the modem detects a ring signal on
the telephone line. It is cleared 8 seconds after the last ring. The
register is enabled only when S0 is set to a non-zero value, that is, with
auto-answer feature enabled.

Kar pomeni, da za takojsnji auto-answer nastavimo S0=1; S1 pa je register,
ki ga obicajno preberemo, da zvemo stevilo zvonjenj pred odgovorom.

Lep pozdrav,

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