[LUGOS] mgetty + callback

Rok Krulec Rok.Krulec at fpp.edu
Wed Jan 9 10:55:23 CET 2002

Zivjo Ales,

pa so tile viri manuali za modem ali mgetty navodila ?

V mojem policy.h imam definirano sledece:
#define MODEM_INIT_STRING       "ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1X3"

iz mgetty.8 man pagea:
       -n #   Tells mgetty to pick up the  phone  after  the  #th
              RING. Default is 1.
Kar bi lahko pomenilo, da steje RING stringe.

Tale mgetty ze deluje kaksni 2 leti na 8 linijah v kombinaciji
Cyclades multiserijske kartice in USR Sportsterjev.
Sklepam, da si verjetno bral navodila za modem.

Rok Krulec

Portoroz/Slovenia, 09.Jan 2002 @ 10:41 CET
Public GnuPG key @ http://rok.fpp.edu/pgp.key

On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Ales Kosir wrote:

> Dne  Mon, 7 Jan 2002 08:15:24 +0100 (CET)
> je Rok Krulec <Rok.Krulec at fpp.edu> zapisal:
> > P.S.: S0 register more bit =0, saj se mgetty odzove na podlagi RING
> stringa.
> Po mojih virih:
> S0 auto answer ring number
> Register S0 determined the number of rings before the modem answers the
> call. The default is 0; that is, the modem will not auto-answer the calls.
> If S0 is set to 2, the modem will answer calls after the second ring.
> S1 ring count
> Register S1 increases by one each time the modem detects a ring signal on
> the telephone line. It is cleared 8 seconds after the last ring. The
> register is enabled only when S0 is set to a non-zero value, that is, with
> auto-answer feature enabled.
> Kar pomeni, da za takojsnji auto-answer nastavimo S0=1; S1 pa je register,
> ki ga obicajno preberemo, da zvemo stevilo zvonjenj pred odgovorom.
> Lep pozdrav,
> Ales

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