[ LUGOS ] framebuffer in SLO fonti na tty[1-6]
Bostjan Strumbelj
Bostjan.Strumbelj na delo.si
Sre Sep 13 19:31:07 CEST 2000
Preveri se file config file paketa console-tools. Lahko da brcam v
temo, a notri pise par stvari na to temo:
# This files tells the console-tools package:
# - whether to load a specific font and boot (and maybe a
# screen-font map, but you should avoid that if possible).
# - whether to setup an Application-Charset Map other
# than the default CP437.
# - whether to start "vcstime" to have time on all text VC'S.
# You can also specify per-VC settings by suffixing variable
# names as in the examples below.
# - When using the new framebuffer devices, the "global setting" for
# a font only affects the current console (ie., at boot-time, the
# first one)
# - ACM setting involves 2 steps (maybe loading a user ACM,
# and activating it on a given charset slot - see charset(1) for
# details), the 1st of which affects the entire system, but the 2nd
# of which only affects the current VC (ie., at boot-time, the
# first one). So that if you want to use the same ACM on all VCs,
# you have to specify "APP_CHARSET_MAP_vc<N>=user" for all relevant
# values of <N>.
# Example:
# Forget this one unless you _know_ it is necessary for your font:
Napisal(a) si:
> Ales Bardorfer wrote:
> Zivjo!
> V konzoli uporabljam framebuffer z ATI mach64 pospesevanjem v
> kernelu. Ce resolucijo izberem ko sem logiran (root):
> fbset --all 1024x768-90
> mi res spremeni resolucijo na vseh termianlih (--all).
> Ce pa isti ukaz izvedem iz rc.sysinit ali rc.local skripte, pa je
> spremenjen samo tty1. Morda kdo ve zakaj, in kako dosezem spremembo
> na vseh tty[1-6] iz rc skripte?
> Druga tezava, ki jo imam so SLO fonti v konzoli (ki uporablja
> framebuffer).
> Ukaz (iz Slovenian-HOWTO):
> /bin/consolechars --font=lat2u-16 --sfm=lat2u.sfm --acm=iso02.acm
> mi ne nastavi pravih fontov v nobem primeru. Niti iz rc skripte,
> niti ce sem prijavljen.
> Edina kombinacija, ki deluje, je zaporedno klicanje (ko sem
> prijavljen): "setfont" in "consolechars", pa se to spremeni fonte
> samo na doticnem tty.
> Kako bi torej na _vseh_ terminalih (v rc skripti) spremenil
> fonte v framebuffer konzoli?
> Mandrake 6.1, kernel 2.2.17.
> Hvala vnaprej in lp,
> Ales
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