[ LUGOS ] Problemi z DNS (ali pa SMTP) : Returned mail: Local configuration error

Lego Andy andy na x0.org
Pet Mar 24 14:56:41 CET 2000


"The name has been changed to protect the innocent..."

Tole dobim ce hocem poslati e-mail na naslov andy na neki.org

The original message was received at Fri, 24 Mar 2000 14:39:18 +0100
from andy na localhost

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
andy na neki.org

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
553 here.neki.org. config error: mail loops back to me (MX problem?)
554 andy na neki.org... Local configuration error

V DNS je neki.org cisto enak kot x0.org, le da ima x0.org malo vec 
stavi zraven.

Kaj bi to bilo?

  |\      _,,,,--,,_    E-MAIL: andy na x0.org
  /,`.-'`'    -,  \-;,	ICQ:    10024539
 |,4-  ) ),,__ ,\ (  ;;	URL: http://andy.x0.org
'---''(.'--'  `-'`.)`'	TEL: 301 725 5724

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