[ LUGOS ] persistent resolv.conf and other ppp woes

Lugos Mailbox levak na jpdesign.net
Tor Jun 6 16:31:44 CEST 2000

On Sun, Jun 04, 2000 at 10:17:58PM +0200, Stojan Rancic wrote:
> Pojavil pa se je nov.. pppd zdaj pozenem takole:
> [root na ns ppp]# /usr/sbin/pppd lock modem crtscts /dev/modem 57600 \
> > noipdefault netmask defaultroute passive \
> > name username connect /etc/ppp/ppp-on-dialer
> Problem je v tem, da se zadeva noce detachat od terminala.. probal sem
> tudi dodati opcijo updetach, pa je isto..

              With this option, pppd will detach  from  its  con
              trolling  terminal  once it has successfully estab
              lished the ppp connection (to the point  where  the
              first network control protocol, usually the IP con
              trol protocol, has come up).

Mogoce kaj pomaga?

			      Matej Zerovnik alias LeVaK
			            IRCnet: LeVaK

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