[ LUGOS ] Win forever
David Klasinc
bigwhale na m42.cx
Sre Jul 26 16:55:55 CEST 2000
On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 03:09:03PM +0200, Borut Mrak wrote:
> in se cim. Bere jih tudi pine, mutt ipd. Za netscape moras zraven
> skopirat se .imefolderja.overviews ali nekaj podobnega.
> Tja not si netscape pise dodatne informacije o mailboxih.
V bistvu je dovolj, da pod linuxom mountas dos disk in potem netscape-u
poves kje ima mail. Tako bos imel za DVA sistema en sam folder...
Now isn't this spledid! ;>
Of course, there are still people to do and things to see.
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