[ LUGOS ] bobni&sms
Borut Mrak
borut.mrak na ijs.si
Sre Avg 16 12:00:10 CEST 2000
On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 10:53:18AM +0200, Jani Kleindienst wrote:
> Zanima me, če se da sendmail ali mail nastaviti, da pošto pošiljata preko
> strežnikov ISPjev ali kako drugače spremeniti nastavitve, da bi bila v glava
> sporočil domena ISPjev.
Vem za postix in exim, za qmail sem vedel, vendar ne vem vec. Za sendmail nocem
sender_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical
you na localhost.localdomain real.address na somewhere.net
# This is an example of a useful rewriting rule---it looks up the real
# address of all local users in a file
*@localhost.localdomain ${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
{$value}fail} bcfrF
you real.address na somewhere.net
enjoy ;-]
borut.mrak na ijs.si
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