[ LUGOS ] Nadlezni 'izreki'
Marko Cuk
cuk na cuk.nu
Sre Avg 30 22:23:45 CEST 2000
Rok wrote:
> Lep pozdrav, zanima me ce kdo ve kako se odstrani izreke ki se ti
> outputajo pri login-u, npr.:
> -
> Last login: Wed Aug 30 21:44:23 +0200 2000 on tty4.
> No mail.
> Political speeches are like steer horns. A point
> here, a point there, and a lot of bull inbetween.
> -- Alfred E. Neuman
> ki:~$
> -
> Uporabljam Slack 7.0. Hvala!
/etc/motd ?? /etc/issue.* ??
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