[ LUGOS ] SMTP outgoing

Iztok Umek iztok na si-con.com
Pet Avg 4 15:46:24 CEST 2000

Vedno sem imel v mislih, da je ISP, ki ga uporabljas za dial-in tisti, ki ti naj
omogoci SMTP outoing, ceprav ne gostuje dvoje domene za web ali incoming mail.
To se mi zdi logicno. Saj tisti, ki gostuje tvoj vhodni mail nekako nima
vpogleda/nadzora nad dinamicnimi IPji, ki jih dobis pri ISP providerju, ki ga

Zato sem skusal poizvedeti, kateri meni lokalni ISP bi mi to omogocil.

Tukaj je odgovor enega:

"No ISP with any integrity would ever allow outgoing mail to be sent through
their SMTP servers using domain aliases they do not host.  That is a major
security violation and opens the door for a host of problems, not the least
of which is spamming.  I'm not at all surprised that XXXXXXX doesn't allow
it either; I sincerely doubt that any provider in this area would.  In any
event, we do not provide that type of service, and therefore cannot
accommodate your request."

A je kje kaksen dokument, da bi se dalo kaksen ISP prepricati v to, da ce
uporabljam njihov dial-in, je najbolj varno, da uporabljam tudi njihov SMTP za
outgoing mail?


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