[ LUGOS ] Linux@work: Europe (fwd)

Jaka Mele jack na lugos.si
Sre Apr 5 20:00:00 CEST 2000

						lp, Jaka

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 19:05:15 +0200
From: Roberto Zicari <zicari na ltt.de>
To: jack na lugos.si
Subject: Linux na work: Europe

Linux na work Europe: call for participation

LogOn is inviting you to attend Linux na work, a series of one-day 
conference and exhibition on Linux for business in Europe in May.

The conferences and exhibits are at no cost- open to all.

The days have been designed to help IT professionals evaluate 
and/or implement Linux in their business.

The Schedule:

May 8, 2000 --Copenhagen,
May 9, 2000 --Oslo,
May 10, 2000 --Stockholm,
May 11, 2000 --Helsinki
May 12, 2000 --Brussels

May 15, 2000 --Amsterdam,
May 16, 2000 --Paris ,
May 17, 2000 --London
May 18, 2000 --Frankfurt
May 19, 2000 --Zurich

The full conference program is available at:

If you wish to attend, simply fill in the registration form you`ll 
find on the Web. We`ll send you your free ticket.

Linux na work is supported by the Free Software Foundation.

Please distribute this call for participation as you see proper.

Roberto Zicari

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