[ LUGOS ] debian in time sinhronization
Lego Andy
andy na x0.org
Čet Sep 16 12:15:47 CEST 1999
Od kar sem presaltal iz GNOME na KDE imam same probleme.
Kako se sinhronizira cas? Probal sem z ntpdate:
eagle:~# ntpdate bitsy.mit.edu bigben.cac.washington.edu
16 Sep 06:15:05 ntpdate[5971]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting
eagle:~# ntpdate bitsy.mit.edu bigben.cac.washington.edu
16 Sep 06:15:13 ntpdate[5972]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting
Kaj to pomeni?
Zakaj pod RedHat 5.2 to vse krasno deluje?
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