[ LUGOS ] Red Hat 6.1 in pppd ki vsakic dvakrat klice
Aljaz Mavric
aljaz.mavric na kiss.uni-lj.si
Sre Nov 24 14:00:29 CET 1999
Intenzivnejse iskanje po novicah najde skoraj vsako resitev :
A new pppd package is available that fixes the problem
where pppd would consistently dial twice in order to create a
PPP connection.
2. Problem description:
A subtle bug in pppd showed up more often in the Red Hat
environment than other environments, causing pppd to dial
when trying to bring up a PPP connection. Running
"modprobe ppp" before bringing up the connection causes the
problem to happen
only once until reboot. The real fix is this new version
of pppd, ppp-2.3.10-3
3. Bug IDs fixed (http://developer.redhat.com/bugzilla for
more info):
6347, 5663, 5992
4. Relevant releases/architectures:
Red Hat Linux 6.1, Intel.
5. Obsoleted by:
6. Conflicts with:
7. RPMs required:
Source packages:
Lep pozdrav,
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