[ LUGOS ] European Linux Yearbook 1999 - the fastest book in the world?

Jaka Mele jack na lugos.si
Tor Mar 16 23:31:27 CET 1999

je kdo pripravljen aktivno sodelovati pri tem projektu?
ali pa bo slovenija spet pozabljena in nikjer omenjena..
Dajmo - javite se meni direkt, pa prijavim LUGOS!

						lp, Jaka

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 20:37:10 +0100
From: Claus Sřrensen <cs na plomus.dk>
To: jack na lugos.si
Subject: European Linux Yearbook 1999 - the fastest book in the world?

To all the LUG's in Europe (from the LUG list overview

Let's show the world how we work in the Linux Community.

March 21st is Internet Fiesta and the European Linux User Groups will
celebrate this by write a book in 24 hours which shows the status of Linux
in Europe.

What the book will contain we don't know yet because right now it is just
an idea. And this is where we start March 21st at 0.00.00 AM CET. At
11.59.59 PM CET the book is finished.

Nothing at all is planned except the idea and some minor logistical things
such as the web-site (this site) and the initial maillist which you can
subscribe to (look further down this site).

By making a whole book from idea to "ready to publish" in just 24 hours
will show the world how powerfull the internet can be if we use it for
teamwork by using the Open Source developing model.

Linux and a lot of it's services and applications as well is developed by
this Open Source model where everyone can see the source code and suggest
better bits of code so the whole system becomes better.

What we're doing with European Linux Yearbook is using the same model on
an intellectual work - a book.

I hope you and your LUG's members will participate in the event. The
subscribtion is on the ELY website http://ely.dkuug.dk/

Thanks in advance

Claus Sorensen            E L Y            Tlf:   +45 44 66 46 46
Initiator           ------------------     Fax:   +45 44 66 25 16
Noddelunden 110       European Linux       Email: claus na plomus.dk
DK-2765 Smorum           Yearbook          Web:   ely.dkuug.dk

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