[ LUGOS ] ppp

Marko Cuk cuk na cuk.nu
Ned Mar 28 11:07:16 CEST 1999

Jure Koren wrote:

> On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, Marko Cuk wrote:
> > OK...
> > Pogruntal...
> > Dela !!
> > Skratka cisto noro...
> > Pa PAP dela na shadow passwd !
> > Manjsi problemcek ki mi se ni jasen je le tole :
> >
> > Mar 28 03:07:50 io pppd[8723]: pppd 2.3.5 started by ppp, uid 0
> > Mar 28 03:07:50 io pppd[8723]: Using interface ppp0
> > Mar 28 03:07:50 io pppd[8723]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS3
> > Mar 28 03:07:54 io pppd[8723]: user cuk logged in
> > Mar 28 03:07:54 io pppd[8723]: Cannot determine ethernet address for
> > proxy ARP
> > Mar 28 03:07:54 io pppd[8723]: local  IP address
> > Mar 28 03:07:54 io pppd[8723]: remote IP address
> >
> > Zakaj ne more determinirat eth addr for proxy arp ?? Kaj to sploh naredi
> > ?
> Me veseli, da ti vse dela :) V man page pise:
>        In  some cases it is desirable to use proxy ARP, for exam-
>        ple on a server machine connected to a LAN,  in  order  to
>        allow  other  hosts  to  communicate with the remote host.
>        The proxyarp option causes pppd  to  look  for  a  network
>        interface on the same subnet as the remote host (an inter-
>        face supporting broadcast and ARP, which is up and  not  a
>        point-to-point  or  loopback  interface).   If found, pppd
>        creates a permanent,  published  ARP  entry  with  the  IP
>        address of the remote host and the hardware address of the
>        network interface found.
> Tega pppd ne najde. A imas ethernet (ali kaksno drugo napravo za
> komuniciranje z zunanjim svetom? Ce ne, potem umakni opcijo proxyarp
> iz option datoteke. Opcijo potrebujes ce bi rad, da zunanji svet
> (tvoj localnet in mogoce celo internet) vidi masino na remote strani
> ppp linka. Ce delas dialup za na internet ali na nek LAN, potem je to
> uporabno, ce pa samo povezujes 2 masini, pa ne.
>                                         Jure

Ja, imam link na internet...To je v bistvu dialup. Torej rabim proxyarp. In
kaj naj naredim, da ne bo tezil ?

Potem me pa se ena zadeva muci...

Mar 28 10:55:57 io kernel: ttyS3: 1 input overrun(s)
Mar 28 10:56:00 io kernel: ttyS3: 1 input overrun(s)

Kaj naj naredim pa s tem portom  ? A to modem serje al kaj ? A je treba kaksen
speed porta nastaviti al kaj ? Modem je USR sportster 33k6 int.


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