[ LUGOS ] ppp
Jure Koren
idiot na gimp.thz.net
Ned Mar 28 09:56:28 CEST 1999
On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, Marko Cuk wrote:
> OK...
> Pogruntal...
> Dela !!
> Skratka cisto noro...
> Pa PAP dela na shadow passwd !
> Manjsi problemcek ki mi se ni jasen je le tole :
> Mar 28 03:07:50 io pppd[8723]: pppd 2.3.5 started by ppp, uid 0
> Mar 28 03:07:50 io pppd[8723]: Using interface ppp0
> Mar 28 03:07:50 io pppd[8723]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS3
> Mar 28 03:07:54 io pppd[8723]: user cuk logged in
> Mar 28 03:07:54 io pppd[8723]: Cannot determine ethernet address for
> proxy ARP
> Mar 28 03:07:54 io pppd[8723]: local IP address
> Mar 28 03:07:54 io pppd[8723]: remote IP address
> Zakaj ne more determinirat eth addr for proxy arp ?? Kaj to sploh naredi
> ?
Me veseli, da ti vse dela :) V man page pise:
In some cases it is desirable to use proxy ARP, for exam-
ple on a server machine connected to a LAN, in order to
allow other hosts to communicate with the remote host.
The proxyarp option causes pppd to look for a network
interface on the same subnet as the remote host (an inter-
face supporting broadcast and ARP, which is up and not a
point-to-point or loopback interface). If found, pppd
creates a permanent, published ARP entry with the IP
address of the remote host and the hardware address of the
network interface found.
Tega pppd ne najde. A imas ethernet (ali kaksno drugo napravo za
komuniciranje z zunanjim svetom? Ce ne, potem umakni opcijo proxyarp
iz option datoteke. Opcijo potrebujes ce bi rad, da zunanji svet
(tvoj localnet in mogoce celo internet) vidi masino na remote strani
ppp linka. Ce delas dialup za na internet ali na nek LAN, potem je to
uporabno, ce pa samo povezujes 2 masini, pa ne.
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