[ LUGOS ] alsa blues [should be: dragi dnevnik]

Matic tic-tac na geocities.com
Pon Jun 28 13:01:57 CEST 1999

crt jakhel wrote:
> no, khm :) ce bo se kdo imel probleme enake sorte:
> generacije alsa-driver-* so 0.0.x, 0.1.x, 0.2.x, 0.3.x.
> alsa-lib, ki pripada 0.3.x, je alsa-lib.0.3.x.
> alsa-lib, ki pripada 0.2.x, je alsa-lib.0.1.x. :)
> alsa-util, ki pripada 0.2.x, je alsa-util-0.0.x :)))
 Love Ya!! Jest sem nad also ze skorej cisto obupal, zdej pa.... bomo

The cow is nothing but a machine which makes grass fit for us people to
                -- John McNulty

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