[ LUGOS ] script-fu
Matjaz Terpin
matjaz.terpin na comcom.si
Pet Feb 12 07:59:24 CET 1999
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Miha Tomsic wrote:
> Sicer pa sem nasel tole:
> * 98/09/15
> * 2.00.04 - The facility to specify the background colour of
> * a transparent/animated GIF for non-transparent
> * viewers now works very much more consistantly.
> *
> * The only situations in which it will fail to work
> * as expected now are those where file size can be reduced
> * (abeit not by much, as the plugin is sometimes more pessimistic
> * than it need be) by re-using an existing unused colour
> * index rather than using another bit per pixel in the
> * encoded file. That will never be an issue with an image
> * which was freshly converted from RGB to INDEXED with the
> * Quantize option, as that option removes any unused colours
> * from the image.
Sliko izdelujem v RGB načinu in jo nazadnje konvertiram v INDEXED in takoj
za tem posnamem.
Bom pa malo pogledal kaj je z opcijo Quantize.
> Bojim se, da je problem precej specificen. Lahko pa povprasas fante v
> #gimp na irc.gimp.org...
Bom mogoče poizkusil!
Matjaz Terpin
COMCOM d.o.o., Vojkova 4, 5280 Idrija, Slovenija
++386 (0)65 172 020
matjaz.terpin na comcom.si
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