[ LUGOS ] script-fu

Miha Tomsic miha.tomsic na guest.arnes.si
Pet Feb 12 07:52:54 CET 1999


On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Matjaz Terpin wrote:
> Delajo =B9e vedno, vendar mi izpisujejo neka opozorila pri snemanju
> GIF filetkov.
> Konkretno:
>    GIF: warning: found unused color index xxx
>    GIF: warning: no comment given - comment block not written

Popolden sem malce na pamet blejal o tem kako in kaj (in to po tistem, ko
sem solil pamet o prevelikem stevili delnih resitev na tej listi :-\).
Sem pogledal in gif plugin v 1.0.2 ni uporabljal giflib knjiznic. Te
napake izvirajo direktno iz gif.c, vandar ne vem, zakaj so se pojavile...

Sicer pa sem nasel tole:
 * 98/09/15
 * 2.00.04 - The facility to specify the background colour of
 *           a transparent/animated GIF for non-transparent
 *           viewers now works very much more consistantly.
 *           The only situations in which it will fail to work
 *           as expected now are those where file size can be reduced
 *           (abeit not by much, as the plugin is sometimes more pessimisti=
 *           than it need be) by re-using an existing unused colour
 *           index rather than using another bit per pixel in the
 *           encoded file.  That will never be an issue with an image
 *           which was freshly converted from RGB to INDEXED with the
 *           Quantize option, as that option removes any unused colours
 *           from the image.

Se ve eni drugi opazki sem nasel nekaj o tem, da pomaga, ce na zveze
predelas sliko iz RGB v indeksirano.

Za komentar pa ti priporocam, da ga dodas kot parameter, sicer se tega
opozorila ne bos znebil, ce sem pravilno bral izvorno kodo...

Sicer pa ne bi skodovalo, ce nadgradis na 1.0.2... 1.1.2 se sesuva in dela
bizarne stvaritve. Ima pa odlicen tako imenovan Easter Egg. Meni se je
kar povesila celjust... :(  )

> Iskal sem v db-browserju, vendar pri funkciji za shranjevanje gif-ov
> nisem na=B9el ni=E8 ustreznega. Je kdo moj problem =BEe re=B9il (preden s=
> doktoriram iz tega)?

Bojim se, da je problem precej specificen. Lahko pa povprasas fante v
#gimp na irc.gimp.org...

=09Mikka - aalte saakker...

 - Miha Tomsic --- C. na postajo 55 -- SI-1351 Brezovica pri Lj. --- SLOVEN=
IA -
 - home-made -- electronics -- music -- industrial -- physics -- net -- lin=
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 - phylosophy -- poetry -- arts ---- Lower Parts of Abdomen ---- Josef Bana=
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