[ LUGOS ] Apache in qmail

Matija Grabnar Matija.Grabnar na arnes.si
Čet Feb 4 20:39:33 CET 1999

> Hoj,
> imam dva problema s programoma iz subjecta:
> 1. Apache sem instaliral in lepo dela dokler so html-ji in v default
> direktoriju (/var/www). Potem pa sem hotel naredit link na file v drugem
> direktoriju (recimo /usr/local/www) in tam se ustavi. Nikakor ne pridem do
> njega. V config filetu imam

Nisi napisal, kaksen link si naredil. Ce je link simbolicen, moras
v konfiguracijo dodati opcijo FollowSymlinks:

Options directive

Syntax: Options [+|-]option [+|-]option ...
Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
Override: Options
Status: core

The Options directive controls which server features are available in a 
particular directory.

option can be set to None, in which case none of the extra features are 
enabled, or one or more of the following:

          All options except for MultiViews. This is the default setting. 
          Execution of CGI scripts is permitted. 
          The server will follow symbolic links in this directory. 
          Note: even though the server follows the symlink it does not change 
the pathname used to match against <Directory> sections.
          Note: this option gets ignored if set inside a <Location> section. 
          Server-side includes are permitted. 
          Server-side includes are permitted, but the #exec command and 
#include of CGI scripts are disabled.
          If a URL which maps to a directory is requested, and the there is no 
DirectoryIndex (e.g., index.html) in that directory, then the server
          will return a formatted listing of the directory. 
          Content negotiated MultiViews are allowed. 
          The server will only follow symbolic links for which the target file 
or directory is owned by the same user id as the link.
          Note: this option gets ignored if set inside a <Location> section. 

> <Directory /usr/local/www>
> AllowOverride All
> <Directory>

AllowOverride samo pomeni, da lahko userji v poddirrektorijih nastavljajo 
svoje opcije, ne pa, katere opcije so aktivne.

"My name is Not Important. Not to friends. 
    But you can call me mr. Important"  - Not J. Important 
Matija.Grabnar na arnes.si

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