[ LUGOS ] Windows95 - emulator

KarloDrago Novak KarloDrago.Novak na gov.si
Sre Feb 24 08:04:20 CET 1999

   Ker nimam celotne poste (menda zato, ker so sle neke kartice na 
   strezniku), mi ni znan nadaljni potek debate. Ceno sem nasel na: 
   http://insignia.iworldstore.com/Shop.lasso?-search . Torej, cista 
   komercijalna zadeva. Za maca je cena precej cenejsa, kot za UNIX-a.
   Lp; Drago

On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, crt jakhel wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Feb 1999 Bostjan.Kukovicic na vipap.si wrote:
> > http://www.insignia.com/SoftWindows/UNIX/Products/9540.html 
> Use of Windows Source Code
>                  Insignia Solutions maintains a strategic relationship 
>                  Corporation which includes access to the Microsoft
>                  code. This relationship provides Insignia Solutions' 
>                  with an in-depth understanding of the Windows
>                  an ideal basis for building the most efficient emulation 
>                  SoftWindows includes performance- related changes to the 
>                  code which do not affect functionality, but ensure that 
>                  optimally in the SoftWindows environment.
> ...
> weird shit!

Hmm, to je komercialno, ne?
Cena? Ce ni - kje za hudica se downloada? 
Njihov web je zelo konfuzen :)

                              lp, Jaka

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