[ LUGOS ] PS tiskalniki

gregor.pipan na ijs.si gregor.pipan na ijs.si
Pet Dec 10 09:08:54 CET 1999

On Thu, Dec 09, 1999 at 06:13:42PM +0100, Boris Benko wrote:
> Ghostscript dela veliko hitreje in bolje. Z enim (zelo starim) HP LJ 4L
> (300dpi) in enim P133 (ki ga itak moras imeti, t.j. racunalnik) dosezes boljse
> rezultate.

? ali imas kaj problemov printati veeeelike slike (kjer velikost presega
velikost rama ) ?


Except for Great Britain. According to ISO 9166 and Internet reality
Great Britain's toplevel domain should be _gb_.  Instead, Great Britain
and Nortern Ireland (the United Kingdom) use the toplevel domain _uk_.
They drive on the wrong side of the road, too.
	-- PERL book (or DNS and BIND book)

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