[ LUGOS ] Mail

Bostjan bostjant na luna.si.eu.org
Pon Dec 6 13:28:43 CET 1999

Mon, 06 Dec 1999 , takrat je tJaZy pojamral(a):
>On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Simon Cahuk wrote:
>> Kako napisem skript, ki bo mi s pomocjo fetchmail-a vsakih 10 minut
>> preverjal, ali imam nov mail ( le takrat ko bom prikljucen na internet
>Mislim,da ti ni potrebno pisati skrpitov.Sestavi ustrezen .fetchmailrc v
>svojem home direktoriju in pozeni: fethmail -d 600 .To pomeni,da ga laufas
>v daemon mode-u, in da vsakih 600 sec gledas,ce je kaj novih mailov(man
>fatchmail,je vse napisano). Start/stop tega procesa bos pa moral urediti
>drugace, kako bi to izvedel iz skriptov za pppd,ti ne znam povedat,ker
>imam z konfiguriranjem ppp-ja pod linuxom zelo malo izkusenj,lahko pa
>napises naprimer v .tcshrc ali .bashrc:
>alias hangup 'killall -9 pppd;killall -9 fetchmail'
>oz kaj podobnega ... Malo domislije,iznajdljivosti in volje do
>raziskovanja ... pa bo .. :>)))

       -I specification, --interface specification
              (Keyword: interface) Require that a specific inter­
              face  device  be  up  and  have a specific local IP
              address  (or  range)  before  polling.   Frequently
              fetchmail  is  used over a transient point-to-point
              TCP/IP link established directly  to  a  mailserver
              via SLIP or PPP.  That is a relatively secure chan­
              nel.   But  when  other  TCP/IP   routes   to   the
              mailserver  exist  (e.g. when the link is connected
              to an alternate ISP), your  username  and  password
              may be vulnerable to snooping (especially when dae­
              mon mode automatically polls for mail,  shipping  a
              clear  password  over the net at predictable inter­
              vals).  The --interface option may be used to  pre­
              vent this.  When the specified link is not up or is
              not connected to a  matching  IP  address,  polling
              will be skipped.  The format is:


       -M interface, --monitor interface
              (Keyword: monitor) Daemon mode can cause  transient
              links  which  are  automatically taken down after a
              period of inactivity (e.g. PPP links) to remain  up
              indefinitely.   This  option  identifies  a  system
              TCP/IP interface  to  be  monitored  for  activity.
              After  each poll interval, if the link is up but no
              other activity has occurred on the link,  then  the
              poll  will  be  skipped.   This option is currently
              only supported under Linux.   

Te dve opciji sta namenjeni prav temu.  (man fetchmail)


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