[ LUGOS ] Linux in Windows NT Terminal Server
IgorF na ix.netcom.com
Ned Dec 5 00:15:52 CET 1999
pa se en dodatek k tej tematiki:
20. We purchased StarOffice from StarDivision before
August 31, 1999. Now, since it is free,
we would like to install it on all our machines.
We have a media key on our StarDivision CD, but
how do we register the users for a personal key?
Registration keys are no longer supported or required.
Sun has discontinued use of registration keys in the
new (free download) software. To take advantage of the
new unlimited-users license, you must get the new
Sun version of StarOffice from www.sun.com/staroffice--
either by downloading it for free or by
purchasing the $9.95 USA Slim Kit CD via credit
card from the web site.
Kot je razvidno iz njihovega FAQ-ja, LICENCA NIMA NIKAKRSNIH
Lep pozdrav
> boris.benko na telekom.si wrote:
> > Iztok Polanic wrote:
> > >
> > > Hy!
> > >
> > > Ker se hocemo v podjetju znebiti vseh nepotrebnih licenc za M$ programe
> > > smo se odlocili, da bi vse potrebne programe, dali na en masin, do njih pa
> > > bi dostopali prek Linuxa. Mene pa zanima ali bi se dalo narediti tako,
> >
> >
> > Pa se nekaj bi te opozoril. Malo poglej licenco za staroffice, ce ni tam
> > misljena samo neka osebna uporaba for free. Za delo v podjetju je to
> > *poslovna* uporaba in kot taka ni free (poglej licenco). To pomeni, da
> > bi potem moral kupiti licence za star office. Lahko da jih ne, vendar...
> To sem nasel na SUN-vi strani
> http://www.sun.com/products/staroffice/techfaq-unix.html
> 16. StarOffice appears to be a single-user product. I installed it
> on my Solaris system but I appear to be the only one with
> permission to run it. What is the availability of a network
> license for StarOffice so that it can be run by multiple users
> and installed on a corporate network? You need to acquire the
> new version from www.sun.com/staroffice (etc., as per the above)
> The new 5.1 StarOffice software that you download
> from www.sun.com/staroffice or find on the slim kit CD you
> purchase on the web may be installed on multiple computers within
> your own company. If you already have this version, and are having
> difficulties deploying as a networked product see the next answer.
> pa se komentar: license
> Ko je SUN objavil, da je naredil STAROFFICE free , sem jaz
> na njihovi strani nasel tekst, ki je sel nekako takole ( citiram po spominu)
> .... STAROFFICE je free za osebno uporabo in za uporabo v okviru
> firme.... ni pa free v primeru, da hoces delat BUSSINES z njim...
> njihove besede so meni bile razumljene, da lahko uporabljas
> STAROFFICE v firmi za svoje vsakodnevno delo.... NE MORES PA
> Zal ne najdem vec na njihovi strani tega odstavka. Toda iz zgoraj
> omenjenega citata v anglescini JAZ razumem, da z nakupom "slim kit CD"
> lahko instaliras paket na network in ga lahko vsi uporabljajo.
> Zna bit, da je to se vedno ceneje ( in bolj obvladljivo) kot pa
> M$ stuff..
> Skratka, po mojem mnenju je uporaba STAROFFICE-ja tudi na ravni
> podjetja FREE ..
> Lep pozdrav
> Igor
> P.S.: I am not a lawyer ... therefore take my advice with a grain of salt
Nothing is impossible as long you are not doing it by yourself.
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