[ LUGOS ] GREP, ta prelepi ukaz
Jernej Zajc
jernej na 4u.net
Ned Avg 1 19:00:22 CEST 1999
po vseh knjigah o unixu sem iskal razlago, odkod ime ukaza grep,
tega bisera med biseri cudakarskih imen ukazov v unixu. Nic.
Zdaj pa sem v (dokaj nekonsistentnem) viru nasel, da naj bi
pomenilo 'Global Regular Expression Print'.
A lahko to kdo potrdi?
'The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that
cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be
impossible to get at or repair.'
---Douglas Adams in 'Mostly Harmless'
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