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the Blue blue na m42.cx
Čet Apr 29 09:12:21 CEST 1999

> NT masinah tudi rad imel svoj WEB streznik. Potrudil sem
> se in  snel z NET-a  windows binary filet za APACHE
> streznik in ga instaliral na eni od NT masin.  Zadeva je
> NA NT MASINI ??? To je na masini, ki tudi laufa APACHE
> WEB streznik.   Jaz bi tudi rad videl iz moje ULTRA 10 masine
> preko brkljalnika fajle na NT delovni postaji. Seveda tiste
> fajle, ki mi jih lastnik delovne postaje omogoci videt.
there is one very simple solution to that problem, and that is NOT using
apache on M$ machines, and instead of it using M$ personal web server ( i
dont say that you cant do the same thing with apache, but i never even tried
to use apache on NT)

in M$ personal web server you have option to create virtual directories for
web server which can be linked to some certain directories on your HD. there
is a nifty web interface for that, and the best part about it, that web
server is also free ( and you get the ftp part for free too)

ps. why dont you upgrade SPARC's to solaris 7 ?
pps. the cost of it is around 97 $ for workstation in business environments,
and free (34$ with all express shipping and handling ) for personal use, and
you get both sparc and intel versions

best regards

to DoS or not to DoS ?

hnja hnja

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