[ LUGOS ] Linux via NT proxy

Jernej Horvat j na kid.kibla.org
Sre Apr 14 16:38:41 CEST 1999

> jih, recimo 192.168.x.x in na NTjih proxy in iz linuxa hoces uporabljati
> internet, si pa ze ifconfigal pravi IP, kateri je pac prost v vasem
> intranetu, potem si pac nastavis proxy v netscapeu pod
> /preferences/advanced/proxy/ in vpises NTje notri z njihovim portom.

Bolje  =E8e svoj squid prepri=E8as da dela z NT proxy:

cache_host nt.domena.org parent 80 0 no-query   
#  TAG: inside_firewall                                                   =
#       This tag specifies a list of domains inside your Internet         =
#       firewall.                                                         =
#                                                                         =
#       Usage: inside_firewall my.domain  [ my.other.domain ...]          =
#              !out.my.domain my.domain                                   =
#                                                                         =
#       The use of this tag affects the server selection algorithm in     =
#       two ways.  Objects which do not match any of the listed domains   =
#       will be considered "beyond the firewall."  For these:             =
#               - There will be no DNS lookups for the URL-host.          =
#               - The object will always be fetched from one of           =
#                 the parent or neighbor caches.                          =
#                                                                         =
#       As a special case you may specify the domain as 'none' to force   =
#       all requests to be fetched from neghbors and parents.             =
#       Prefixing a domain name with '!' means the domain is NOT inside   =
#       your firewall.                                                    =
inside_firewall domena.org
#  TAG: local_domain                                                      
#       This tag specifies a list of domains local to your organization.  
#       Usage: local_domain my.domain [ my.other.domain ...]              
#       For URLs which are in one of the local domains, the object        
#       is always fetched directly from the source and never from a       
#       neighbor or parent.                                               
local_domain domena.org              

> routa skozi vas router, ali pa imate popolnoma vse zaprto in "vmes" NTje=
> ki skrbijo kot firewall in poganjajo proxy server, da lahko vidite zunan=

BTW: NT proxy/firewall sux
I never argue with fools. People might not know the difference.
> all the standard disclaimers apply <
Line noise provided by Telekom Slovenia - a remarkable bunch of idiots.

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