[ LUGOS ] Qt libraries

Bostjan Muller neonatus na bigfoot.com
Sob Okt 10 19:47:40 CEST 1998

Hvala za odgovore!
Stvar deluje 
        When you open Windows, bugs get in!
  PGP key available by request. I accept only RSA keys!
           ,-'   '-.    _     _   _    _   _   _   _   _
          /  _   _  \  | |   | | |  \ | | | | | | \ \/ /
          | (o)_(o) |  | |_  | | | |\\| | | |_| |  |  |
          \ .-""-.  /  |___| |_| |_| \__| |_____| /_/\_\
         //   :    ; \    Bostjan Muller     
        //. - '' -.|  |   http://surf.to/NEONATUS 
       /:    :     |  |   http://NEONATUS.home.ml.org
      | |   :     ,/  /,  mailto:NEONATUS na bigfoot.com
jgs  _;'`-, '     |`.-' `\
    )     `\.___./;     .'
    '.__    )----'\__.-'
  Press any key to continue or any other key to quit...

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