[ LUGOS ] WD Sucks

Milan Gabor milan.gabor na uni-mb.si
Sre Nov 4 09:15:03 CET 1998

> >hda: status timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
> >hda: drive not ready for command
> >ide0: reset: success
> >hda: irq timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
> >ide0: reset: success

Sicer meni pocne isto, ko premaknem kabel pri napajanju, toda po resetu
dela bp.

> ko sem nazadnje videl takele msg-je, sem moral menjat plato (eden od dveh
> on-board IDE ctrljev je krepnil in mi mimogrede skuril se dva diska). Drugace
> pa imam tudi sam katastrofalne izkusnje z WD-ji, tudi meni so pocrkali prav
> vsi, kar sem jih v zivljenju videl...

Jaz imam trenutno 3 WD. 1.2, 1.6 in 2.5 in vsi delajo ze kar nekaj casa

    |  MILAN GABOR                                      |
    /)             milan.gabor na uni-mb.si                |
   / )  http://storm.uni-mb.si/docs/personal/milan      |
 _( (+--------------------------------------------------+
(((\ \)  /_)  Window$ is living proof of Murphy's Law
(\\\\ \_/ /     LINUX-The choice of a GNU generation
 \       /
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   |   |             are condemned to reinvent it,
Java could allow computer users to run numerous applicatons without
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