[ LUGOS ] netscape - segmentation fault

Matjaz Straus Matjaz.Straus na arnes.si
Tor Nov 24 12:58:47 CET 1998

v zvezi s tezavami Netscape-a:

sodelavec mi je pokazal pot na ftp-ju sunsite.unc.edu in sicer
kjer so naslednji popravki knjiznic, ki pravilno delujejo z Netscape-om:
ftp> ls net*
-rw-rw-r--   1 347      1002         2041 Jun 14  1997 nets-2.0.README
-rw-rw-r--   1 347      1002          614 Jun 14  1997 nets-2.0.lsm
-rw-rw-r--   1 347      1002       256751 Jun 14  1997 nets-2.0.tar.gz

Mislim, da bo to resilo moj problem... V readme-ju namrec pise:

1.0 What does this package contain?
   This package contains the two needed libraries to fix the Netscape
bug and a script to call Netscape with the needed libraries.


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