[ LUGOS ] solaris 2.6
Zlatko Rek
zlatko.rek na fs.uni-lj.si
Pon Mar 23 13:10:22 CET 1998
> Softver, ki ga jaz rabim (informix) pac ne tece na Linuxu, ker ga =
> proizvajalec za Linux (vsaj zaenkrat) ne prodaja. Za te stvari izberem =
> Solaris ali SCO UNIX. Ni druge.
Ali ne bi morali binary-ji za SCO teci tudi pod Linux-om? Tako vsaj
pise ...
System V and Coherent filesystem support
SCO, Xenix and Coherent are commercial Unix systems for intel
machines. Enabling this option would allow you to read and write to
and from their floppies and harddisk partitions. If you have a
floppy or harddisk partition like that, it is probable that they
contain binaries from those other Unix systems; in order to run
these binaries, you will want to install iBCS2 (iBCS2 [Intel Binary
Compatibility Standard] is a kernel module which lets you run SCO,
Xenix, Wyse, Unix Ware, Dell Unix and System V programs under Linux
and is often needed to run commercial software, most prominently
WordPerfect. It's in tsx-11.mit.edu:/pub/linux/BETA).
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