[ LUGOS ] sgml-tools in LyX

Roman Maurer roman.maurer na fmf.uni-lj.si
Sre Jun 10 12:40:28 CEST 1998

Inštaliral sem sgml-tools-1.0.6.  V LyXu mi sicer deluje
okolje LinuxDoc (SGML), a mi izbira Help/LaTeX Configuration
(po izbiri Options/Reconfigure in ponovnem zagonu LyXa)
javlja, da nimam pravilno nameščene stilne datoteke

> 5.7 linuxdoc-sgml
> Found: no
> Notes: The package linuxdoc-sgml is needed by LaTeX to process files
> generated by the sgml-tools set of programs (see above). If you see ``no''
> here whereas you now that you have sgml-tools installed you probably
> forgot to install correctly the file linuxdoc-sgml.sty in some place
> where LaTeX can find it.

Kam naj skopiram datoteko linuxdoc-sgml.sty?  Imam jo na imeniku
sgml-tools-1.0.6/lib/, skopiral sem jo še na imenik

Uporabljam teTeX (Version 3.14159 (C version 6.1)), LaTeX2e
in LyX 0.12.1pre1.


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