[ LUGOS ] FreeBSD in MS (fwd)

David Vrtin vrtin na uni-mb.si
Pet Jul 31 15:49:57 CEST 1998

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 09:46:24 +0200 (CEST)
From: Andrej Brodnik <brodnik na IBC.IskraSistemi.Si>
Reply-To: "Andrej Brodnik (Andy)" <Andrej.Brodnik na IBC.IskraSistemi.Si>
To: freebsd na si.freebsd.org
Subject: FreeBSD in MS

Nimam namena prepricevati ze prepricanih, toda vseeno za prijetno
branje si poglejte


Tam med drugim pise:

Walnut Creek  CDROM set  the record  of  transferring 417 gigabytes of
files in one day,  surpassing  Microsoft Corporation's [Nasdaq:MSFT  -
news] record of transferring approximately  350 gigabytes of files per
day during  the Windows95 release.  Microsoft used more than 40 server
machines to achieve the previous record, while Walnut Creek CDROM used
a single 200MHz Intel Pentium Pro processor running FreeBSD.


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