[ LUGOS ] SCSI & Kernel 2.0.33

polz polz na writeme.com
Pet Feb 13 16:19:19 CET 1998

On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, Gasper Furman wrote:
>Se enkrat jaz. Imam se en malo vecji problem. Pravkar sem skompajlov
>kernel in mam problem. Izpise mi  tole:
>aic7xxx: <Adaptec AHA-294X SCSI host adapter> at PCI 13
>aic7xxx: Warning - detected auto-termination.  Please verify driver
>         detected settings and use manual termination if necessary
To tudi menii tezi (SCSI cdrom), pa ne dela potem nobenih problemov.
IMHO je bil pac en kernel programer mal paranoicn ..

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