[ LUGOS ] xdm respawn
Arso Savanovic
arso na e5.ijs.si
Sre Dec 9 15:52:45 CET 1998
Kaj se zgodi, ce je default rlevel 5, init pa besno
zaganja xdm, ki takoj umre zaradi napake v konfiguraciji?
man init:
If /sbin/init finds that it is continuously respawning an
entry more than 10 times in 2 minutes, it will assume that
there is an error in the command string, generate an error
message on the system console, and refuse to respawn this
entry until either 5 minutes has elapsed or it receives a
signal. This prevents it from eating up system resources
when someone makes a typographical error in the /etc/init-
tab file or the program for the entry is removed.
Ali init v tem primeru sam izvede prehod v drug rlevel?
Glede na man bi dejal, da samo pocaka, potem pa jovo na novo.
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