[ LUGOS ] ip transparent proxy + squid

Matija Grabnar Matija.Grabnar na arnes.si
Sre Avg 19 11:19:36 CEST 1998

> Lokalno mrezo imamo prikljuceno na inet preko linux masine, ki dela
> IP maskarado. Na to masino sem instaliral squid-cache (http proxy/cache),
> nato pa sem uporabil "IP transprent proxy" varianto (kernel->networking
> options),

> Načeloma naj bi delalo, problem pa je v tem, da browserji mislijo,
> da so priklopljeni direktno na server, in recejo npr. "GET / HTTP/1.0",
> ne povejo pa celega URL-ja. squid  tako seveda ne ve, kaj bi radi od
> njega :(

7. Transparent Caching/Proxying

How can I make my users' browsers use my cache without configuring the 
browsers for proxying?

You can do transparent caching on Linux, Solaris, and BSD derivations. The 
trick is to get the operating system to forward certain IP packets to the 
application. This document
currently contains only instruction for configuring transparent caching on 
Linux and Solaris.

Here are the important settings in squid.conf: 

        http_port               3128
        icp_port                3130
        httpd_accel             virtual 3128
        httpd_accel_with_proxy  on

Note, virtual is the magic word here! You don't necessarily need to use port 
80, but the examples below assume that you will.

Ce ta virtual ne bo pomagal, ti svetujem, da pogledas po arhivih squid mailing
liste, ki je na http://squid.nlanr.net/Mail-Archive/squid-users/hypermail.html
-- 80 Id
"My name is Not Important. Not to friends. 
    But you can call me mr. Important"  - Not J. Important 
Matija.Grabnar na arnes.si

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