[ LUGOS ] [Fwd: COMMERCIAL: $1.99 CD with OpenLinux Lite 1.2]

Boris Pozar boris.pozar na guest.arnes.si
Pon Apr 20 22:44:33 CEST 1998

Milan Gabor wrote:
> Hi!
> Zanima me, ce je kdo zainteresiran, pa da skupaj narocimo !
> lp,
> MIlan
> --
>     +----------------------------------------------------+
>     |  MILAN GABOR                                       |
>     /)             milan.gabor na uni-mb.si                 |
>    / )  http://storm.uni-mb.si/docs/personal/milan       |
>  _( (+---------------------------------------------------+
> (((\ \)  /_)  Window$ is living proof of Murphy's Law
> (\\\\ \_/ /     LINUX-The choice of a GNU generation
>  \       /
>   \   __/          Those who do not understand Unix
>    |   |             are condemned to reinvent it,
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jaz sem za.

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