[ LUGOS ] Attention Adult Webmasters!

Iztok Polanic ssdipola na guest.arnes.si
Sre Apr 8 22:08:03 CEST 1998

Hy !!!

Kaj za vraga je pa to spet???
Sem jaz edini ki je to dobil ali pa so tudi ostali, kajti preseneca me to,
da se nihce ni odzval prek liste :)
Pogledal sem listo userjev in opazil da te osebe ni v listi (mogoce nisem
dobro pogledal...who knows). In kako potem lahko posilja maile na listo,
ki je namenjena linuxu in NE vrocih deset. 

To bi lahko resili tako, da bi preprecili ne clanom te liste posiljanje
takih in podobnih mailov. 
No, to je samo moje misljenje!


On Tue, 7 Apr 1998, Michael Tiezzy wrote:

> Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 14:31:19 -0400
> From: Michael Tiezzy <michael na ivginc.com>
> Reply-To: lugos-list na lugos.si
> To: michael na ivginc.com
> Subject: [ LUGOS ] Attention Adult Webmasters!
> We have the adult content you've been looking for! 
> IVG, the world leader in on-line adult entertainment, offers you the 
> opportunity to earn thousands of extra dollars while improving the 
> content of your site at the same time! 
> Our 20,000 square foot state-of-the-art broadcast facility is located in 
> beautiful Pompano Beach, Florida. Our facility features still and video 
> production studios, fifty cyber-strip broadcast stations, a full gym, a 
> suntanning salon, a billiard lounge, girls locker room, a glass enclosed 
> shower, bedroom and dominatrix theme sets and over fifty of South Florida's 
> most beautiful entertainers. 
> Using our proprietary software, customers can access our beautiful young 
> cyber strippers, one on one! 
> We offer:
> - The highest payout commission in the industry
> - The quickest download available (A 360k file with an average download 
>   time of only 2 minutes!)
> - True full motion video with an incredible frame rate of over 15 frames 
>   per second!
> - Weekly payouts and no chargebacks
> The girls are beautiful and the shows are fantastic! There is no charge for 
> the software and all dial-up numbers are toll free... 
> For a FREE demo, please visit:
> http://www.ivginc..com
> <A HREF="http://www.ivginc.com">http://www.ivginc.com</A>
> Should you have any questions or request additional information, you may 
> contact me directly at (954) 978-2305. 
> Sincerely,
> Michael Tiezzi
> VP of Internet Marketing
> Internet Video Group, Inc.
> Ph: (954) 978-2305
> email: michael na ivginc.com

    	xxxxxx                           //////
    	xx  xx                          ( o o )
    	xx  xx        /------------oOO-----O-----OOo------------\
     	 xxxx         |           From: Iztok Polanic           |
    	xx  xx        |  E-mail: Iztok.Polanic1 na guest.arnes.si  |
       xx    xx       |   WWW: http://www2.arnes.si/~ssdipola   |
      xx      xx      \-----------------------------------------/

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