[ LUGOS ] zip/scanner: to the death!
David Klasinc
bigwhale na capybara.sk-pttsc.lj.edus.si
Sob Apr 25 19:54:06 CEST 1998
On Sat, 25 Apr 1998, crt jakhel wrote:
> scsi, ceprav sedi na paralelcu, scanner pa ima tudi neko kartico, ki je v
> bistvu isa-to-scsi2 magic stuff. in se stepeta, tako v linuxu kot pod win.
Um, there is no such thing as isa-to-scsi... Skenerjeva kartica je cisto
navaden SCSI kontroler, more accurate, Adaptec AVA-15xx
Windows 95 - Don't let them calculate your taxes.
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