malenkost o POSIXu
Matjaz Godec
gody na
Pet Mar 14 17:37:55 CET 1997
Pravkar sem na kernel listi naletel na omembo POSIX.1b standarda:
Ocitno Posix.1b opredeljuje standard za RealTime OS.
Some of us would like to have the RT extensions available now. It would
be nice if the Kernel provided full Posix.1b stuff for people who do
realtime control of mechanisms, so we wouldn't need to use strange
systems like LynxOs (a realtime operating system not to be confused
with Linux) to do Real time. If Linux could do real time today,
my company could use it today to drive robots. It would save us
a lot of grief we have had with other realtime OSs. Lynx has
been around for years, and it can't do anywhere near as much as Linux can.
But it is realtime... I would prefer getting the RT stuff in 2.2
Matjaz Godec | "ELGO" Maribor d.o.o. | Electronics
matjaz.godec na | Ul. Josipa Priola 35 | Telecommunications
tel/fax:+ 386 62 24 460 | SI 2ooo Maribor, Slovenija | CALDERA-LINUX | Slovenian network "SloN" | Internet consultant
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