[ LUGOS ] [Time]

Tom Puc tom.puc na arctur.si
Tor Jun 17 09:34:45 CEST 1997


Moja 2 stotina:

Tale programcek mi dela ze nekaj let na kar nekaj mlinckih:

Title:          getdate
Version:        1.0
Entered-date:   Mon Oct 23 16:38:51 NZDT 1995
Description:    Query an RFC 868 time server and adjust/set local date/time.

                Useful for querying and copying the date/time from other 
                Internet hosts.  Will work correctly across time zones.

                Uses the  UNIX adjtime() call so that it can be safely set up
                as a cron job.  Can reject hosts that respond slowly, or that
                vary too greatly from the local time.
Keywords:       RFC-868 date time remote
Author:         michael na actrix.gen.nz (Michael Hamilton)
Maintained-by:  michael na actrix.gen.nz (Michael Hamilton)
Primary-site:   sunsite.unc.edu
                11kB /pub/Linux/system/Network/misc/getdate-1.0.tar.gz
                899  /pub/Linux/system/Network/misc/getdate-1.0.tar.gz.lsm
Platform:       Most UNIX boxes.
Copying-policy: GPL

Tom Puc                         tom.puc na eunet.si
Internet project director       tom na arctur.si , tom na tmedia.it
Arctur d.o.o.                   webmaster na fvgpromo.it , tom na quark.it
cell: +386 0609 629 780         webmaster of http://www.arctur.si/ ...

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