Jaka Mele jack na ro.zrsss.si
Pon Jun 9 10:13:35 CEST 1997

Nov TRILINUX CD je zunaj.

Our most popoular CD, TRI-LINUX has been completely revised for this new
relaese.  This new CD contains the complete Intel binary distributions
for Debian 1.3, Slackware 3.2 and Redhat 4.2

        We created this CD especially for those who are undecided.
        You can install all three in 3-4 hours and see for yourself.
        Redhat and Slackware are the easiest to install and are both
        maintained on the internet by small companies with long track
        records serving the Linux community.  Debian is maintained
        by a group of volunteers arround the globe via the internet.

For more information about TRI-LINUX see http://www.lsl.com/tri-linux
LSL price:     $2.98



Spet bi narocal malce vec teh CDjev.
Racunam da bi bila cena okoli 800 SIT, maksimalno pa 1000, odvisno od

Ce ga zelite narociti pisite na LUGOS na LUGOS.SI v subject napisite
TRI-CD, v sporocilu pa povejte koliko komadov zelite, svoj naslov,
telefon in email. 

Narocila pobiram do nedelje 15.6 potem pa v ponedeljek narocim.

       						bye, Jack

 Jaka Mele         | jaka.mele na arnes.si    | Those who do not understand Unix
 ARNES, Jamova 39  | Tel: +386 61 125-1515 |   are condemned to reinvent it, 
 SI-1000 Ljubljana | Fax: +386 61 125-5454 |             poorly. 
         Member of Linux User Group Of Slovenia   http://www.lugos.si/

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