Locale Data Audit

Robert Ludvik robert.ludvik na zd-lj.si
Pet Dec 10 14:33:58 CET 2004

Na OOo so naredili presek med podatki za podrocne nastavitve, ki se 
pojavljajo v OOo in ki so zabelezene v CLDR in za sl_SI so razlike 
V CLDR:				| OOo:
<era type="1">po Kr.</era>	| n.š.
(pr.n.š je pa v obeh primerih enako)

AM				|dop.
PM				|pop.
Poleg tega se v OOo pojavljajo imena dni in mesecev z veliko 
zacetnico, v CLDR pa z malo. Kaj je 'bolj prav' (spodaj se komentar od 
Kdo je 'odgovoren' za vpise v CLDR za sl?
Robert Ludvik

I just put up a document
Warning, 450kB!


The comparison is made between data of the Commmon Locale Data
Repository [1] to which also Sun and OOo contributed it's locale data,
and OOo's locale data as of milestone SRC680_m62 [2] where branch
cws_src680_localedatafixes was integrated. Branch cws_src680_localedata2
is still in progress.

The goal of this audit is to align OOo and CLDR locale data as much as
possible and to identify data where OOo's data needs correction, and
data where CLDR should  be corrected. Please use the dev na l10n mailing
list to report your findings and for discussion. Please always state the
ID number linked in the first column when you refer to data.

Note that most differences are in the spelling and/or capitalization of
month names and day-of-week names. These are stand-alone names but
mostly (not always) are used in date formatting context, so there may be
reasons that they differ. The currency displayName entries differ in the
way that CLDR always uses the localized name whereas OOo mostly uses the
English name, as those entries currently are purely informational and
not used by the UI. We should decide whether we want to stick with that
or if we consequently should use the localized name too, which might
ease future audits.

[1] http://www.unicode.org/cldr/

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