[Zeljko Blace <zblace@alu.hr>] [asu2] how about Chat session regarding plans for ASU 2 meeting in Labin ?

Andraz Tori andraz.tori1 at guest.arnes.si
Sun Mar 11 14:40:14 CET 2001

No, kot je polz rekel, cimvec stvari na lugos-org
tole je kar se dogaja za delavnico v Labinu... v kolikor koga zanima naj se prijavi na ustrezno listo

Posredovano sporoèilo:
> Hi!
> There are a few new people invited to take part in the preparations 
> for ASU 2 (2.week of September in Labin, CROATIA).
> So besides organizers: people from "mama" and LABinary, Ljudmila, 
> Croatian and Sloveinan Linux User Groups + Pro.Ba ... others are 
> mainly people associated with issues of media/net art/activism 
> so from now on we are switching to English (is that OK for everyone?)
> So ...
> grant application seasson is full on the way and I will need your 
> assistance and help in these issues. 
> So far we have approached Croatian Ministry of Culture (through the 
> Office for NGO's as LABinary) and Sony-Croatia ...
> awaiting for answers on both ends.
> We might have to have joint applications for some of the grants 
> (that support networking projects), some will be handeld by us, some 
> by Ljudmila and Pro.ba ... sugestions from others are wellcome.
> Anyway what do you think of scheduling Chat sesion for next weekend 
> or would YOU prefer sometime during the night in this week ?
> Best, Zeljko.
> p.s.
> Yeah subjects would be:
> -> reviewing concepts/plans/ (see files section 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asu2/files)
> -> assignig tasks 
> -> planning applications for grants
> -> reporting on what is done so far 
> -> discussing what has to be done ...
> By the way this is first time I am working like this 
> (coordinating on-line project with more then 5 people), 
> so don't mind my structuralistic approach ;)   
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